Wednesday, December 30, 2009


This starts with some new videos since we got home. I have some Christmas/petting zoo videos, too, but they're all pretty odd. I'll put up a few of them, though...Sorry nothing's edited down, that's just not on my to-do list for this year! :-)

Here's Evangeline helping us shovel snow the day after Christmas; the focus isn't great as I think the snow was confusing it:

This next one is Evangeline eating "grown-up" yogurt because it was just about the only thing we had in the house:

Christmas videos:

Molly running around saying Whoa. A classic!

Molly with her duplos:

Evangeline very slowly opening a gift:

Ian with Evangeline and Molly:

Walking around the petting zoo:

Petting zoo goats:

Sunday, December 6, 2009

new pics and video

New pics from around home and visiting Grandpa and Grandma Wood over Thanksgiving. Evangeline loves furniture!

early winter 2009

The video is Evangeline doing some car work (including lifting the car, who knows why) and practicing her marching skills.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Evangeline's new dance move

This is Evangeline's new (only) dance move, which we optimistically call the shimmy but which really looks like she's trying to shrug out of her skin. We put on the Flight of the Conchords DVD, and she was dancing to the loading screen...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

late summer fun

Late summer pictures: gardening fun, dressed up for a rooftop wedding, a trip to the zoo, and a trip to the farm. August's got it all!

end of summer 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

new videos

I have some cute photos of Evangeline, but I don't have time to put them up for another week or two. Here's a few videos to tide you over...

Here's Evangeline clearly showing she is a muggle, although she tries very hard. In fact, she tries so hard she needs a nap. Sorry it's a little long, but I thought the end was cute.

Here's Evangeline eating grilled cheese sandwich and practicing her new favorite facial expression, which I call "Little Miss Snooty Face."

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Evangeline at GenCon

A few pics from GenCon, where Evangeline got to meet all the crazies! :-)

Evangeline at GenCon

Monday, August 10, 2009

summer videos and pics

A few cute videos:

This is Evangeline standing on her own. She thinks it's fun:

This is an old video (from June 2nd) but Jon and I find it really hilarious...

Lastly, Evangeline knows something good is in that Dr. Pepper can, but she doesn't really have the concept down yet...

Lastly, here are some pics, a few from July on our camera, the rest from around here...

summertime II

Saturday, June 27, 2009

new June baby pics and garden pics

Just noticing how much bigger the garden is already, since these were taken a few weeks ago. I have some new end of June pics I'll post soon... Evangeline, still about the same size!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Evangeline goes outside...

Pictures of Evangeline in our yard, doing various baby type things like splashing in pools and, oh yeah, helping tear down trees!

trees and magic and pools, oh my....

link to video, yard and 8-month pics

Forgot to post these on this site. Check out a funny video of Evangeline and a few pics here...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

babies and gardens

Here's some photos and a few videos from the last monthish.

gardens, babies in gardens

Going in Reverse

The Crazy Packers Dance

Scary Giggles

Cow PJs

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

videos (some old, some new...)

Here's a few videos, some you've seen but now new-and-improved, with sound!

da da...

baby crab cakes...

catch, or, what's on your head?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Baby turned model...with some exercise and a quick, healthy snack of mum-mums on the way (a model's gotta look good!)


Friday, March 27, 2009

Evangeline learns about good food...

and the perils of nutritionalism!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

Evangeline eats!

Pictures from the last few weeks, and Evangeline's first foods. She ate rice cereal the last three mornings. She already took to it a lot more this morning than Saturday, which is when all the faces are from! We're going to have a little avocado tonight, too!
The 2000 glasses are one of the last projects I worked on at the Goodman - I made a zillion phone calls, drawings, emails, and contracted some plastics guy to make 30 of them for our turn of the century party scene. We added the sparkles and earpieces. The costume shop sent me a pair as a keepsake!

Evangeline eats!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

a few five-month photos

Evangeline feeling very serious at five months. And hanging with her grandparents and in our new furniture.

Eva five months

Monday, February 23, 2009

new videos

A few videos from our new video camera. I think they're relatively big, but I don't yet know how to do too much to them. If you have problems with the video, let me know! In video the first, I try out the new camera on whatever Evangeline's doing at the moment. So, random...

In the second video, Evangeline discovers the perils of our new leather chair. It's pretty washed out, but it's such a bright morning here!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Evangeline plays with elephants

A video of Evangeline laughing and gnawing in her exersaucer. The photos are from about the last month. She had clearly learned to play with her clothes when we took her four-month photos. And then you'll notice that she has three different elephant toys, and Jon has an elephant glass. So it's a new theme! Move aside, square pig... The baby got new toys (the blue elephant, the red devil hippo loopy thing) at Ikea; mom and dad got some new toys (read: "storage solutions" and "plates and cups") too, and free breakfast!
Evangeline plays with various elephants and other new toys...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

new Christmas photos

New photos from our trip to Michigan for Christmas - Evangeline's first big trip! Now to get her to sleep as well at home as she did in her grandparents' closet.
Christmas 2008